*TAIT 新型數位對講機TP9900 一機切換 DMR、P25 及多頻段
*TAIT 併購全球性LMR系統製造商「 RFI 」
*Sepura Launches Streamlined TETRA Hand Portable
*AOR ARL2300LOCAL免費軟體發布
*AR5700D數位通訊接收機的免費AOR PC實用程序
*AOR Ltd. 發布其AR-DV1 / DV10接收機之革命性PRO新功能!
*AR5700D數位通訊接收機現推出中繼TETRA / GSSI篩選功能 !
*AOR Ltd. 正式發布革命性的數位通信接收機AR5700D
*Decode digital signals from space! ( AOR )
*Tait Signs Contract for DMR with Transport for London
*Mobile World Congress Implements Tait DMR Network
*倫敦交通局(Transport for London)再與Tait續約5年
*Tait commences private LTE (4G) trial with New Zealand utility
*2014 巴西世足賽-警察保安系統採用TAIT P25 System
*西班牙組裝!高雄輕軌車廂 搶先曝光
*越南交通警察選用Tait DMR Tier3
*Tait DMR Tier3平台可支援Omnitronics RediTalk派遣操作台
*AOR新推出ARD300多模數位語音解碼器,可在您的傳統類比接收機上解碼dPMR、D-STAR、APCO25、NXDN、Yaesu & Alinco Digital、Digital-CR等信號
*Austrian motorway operator, ASFINAG, goes the extra mile with Sepura
*Motorola- 對台灣而言,我們重新定義了Two-Way Radio



-- 公 司 介 紹
浩普興業有限公司 -- 為專業無線電通訊與相關產品之系統整合商,擁有十餘年無線電通訊專業技術及經驗,從早期的業餘無線電設備(Amateur Radio)、陸上行動無線電系統及周邊話務裝備(LMR, Land Mobile Radio and Headsets For Two-way Radio Communication of David Clark)、類比式話務/資料無線電整合系統(Analog Radio Integrated)、中繼轉播式無線電派遣系統(Trunking Radio System)、戰術型無線電設備(Personal Role Radio),至目前各類型類比 / 數位雙模式無線電通訊系統(APCO Project 25, Tetra, DMR)等,均能廣受國內客戶(如公共安全、軍/警/消政府單位、化工/煉油廠、特殊情治單位、交通運輸與大型企業)的長期採用與支持。

  為配合無線電窄頻(Narrowband)與寬頻(Broadband)在公共安全領域和關鍵性任務的整合計劃與世界潮流,浩普興業有限公司--從2006年起,陸續推廣新一代數位式無線電系統產品及其解決方案,包括APCO project 25 (P25)DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) 無線電標準技術與產品,以提供「語音」與「數據」應用整合,並代理經銷紐西蘭 TaitRadio Communication 專業無線電通訊設備、Motorola雙向無線電通訊系統,規劃解決方案,配合新一代數位式IP Console / Dispatch語音派遣調度整合平台,以提昇公共安全關鍵性任務之大區域通聯功能,未來亦將陸續提供與4G Long Term Evolution(LTE)通信之整合運用技術;近年來我們更進一步配合歐美大廠進入交通事業領域,尤其是針對航空導航、氣象系統等方面提供了客戶更優質的系統及服務。


  我們堅持追求完美、精益求精的服務精神,並提供符合各國際無線電組織及官方協會的整體解決方案,以支援多廠牌漫遊和互通互連操作(IOP)的合理性通信原則。完整的通訊網路覆蓋範圍設計規劃,符合並確保設備可靠性、操控性和即時通訊等信賴要件。配合「語音」與「數據」應用整合及關鍵技術開發能力,以廣泛應用於政府行政機關單位、公共工程、國防領域、製造業廠區、交通運輸企業、機場和港口、飯店和學校、運動娛樂場所、建築工地、能源 /公用事業以及中小型公共安全企業機構等領域。


-- Company Profile
Since April 1997, when High Bound Company Ltd. was founded, we’ve been focusing on the sales, installation, and maintenance service of traditional 2-way radios. Starting from recent years, we further expanded our service to the field of trunking, APCO P25, Tetra, and DMR (digital mobile radio) systems. We distribute radio products of Motorola and Tait brands and provide consultations and solutions to meet clients’ needs in wireless communication. Beside these, we are also the dealer of David Clark for its headset communication systems; In recent year, High Bound step into Traffic business to provide excellent system and service on aviation navigation and weather system field.
High Bound maintains customer relationship with government & public safety departments, police, military, public utilities, transportations and commercial sectors, such as airlines, amusement places and hotels.

With all sales and engineering staff from electronics, networks and computer science backgrounds, we are ready to offer professional services to customers. Therefore,
choosing High Bound as your partner in this area will be the best way to expand your market in two-way radio and public safety communication!
 Existing Customers
National Policy Agency
National Security
Metro Taipei (Mass Rapid Transit)
Airports / Airlines
Harbor Bureaus
Water Resource / Electric Power
National Fire Agency Ministry of Interior 
Taiwan High Speed Rail







